Floyd's not-so-secret plot is to get the girls into golfing so he can golf more. It is possible to take them both to the driving range with just one parent, but it is easier if we all go as a family. The fear of them walking into someone's back swing or swinging while their sibling is nearby is still a worry.
They both received golf clubs as birthday presents. Selena got hers for her 5th birthday, Allie got her's for her 4th. Selena was pressuring Allie to ask for one because Selena was tired of sharing. Both were used sets found at Play It Again Sports. Allie's bag happened to come with a golf glove, so of course Selena needed one as well and she had some leftover birthday gift money from Nana that she used to go and get one.
After having gone to the driving range a handful of times throughout the last couple years, we all went as a family out to Battle Creek Golf Course and played their par three course. I was a bit worried if Allie would be able to make it through the whole course without getting tired but she loved it. She pretty much ran the course: swing, hit, run. By the last hole both her and Selena were hitting the ball a decent distance and Selena was starting to get the hang of pace on the putts. Selena was getting 12's on some holes, but she said it was kind of hard to keep track.