Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Precocious Puzzling Birthday Girl

Selena's second birthday was a couple days ago. It doesn't seem like it has already been two years. I had a midwife appointment at the birth center where she was born on her birth day. It was kind of fun being there exactly two years later and remembering the excitement of that day.

Selena is doing great. She is a great kid and is so fun to be around. I am really starting to like this age. The stuff she comes up with is just so dang cute.

Puzzles are definitely the in thing right now. A few months ago it was drawing, but now it is "more puzzles" and "I do puzzles all day long." We can easily spend 1-2 hours doing puzzles (and sometimes do) and because she has spent so much time doing them she is getting super good at them. The hard puzzles that a month ago she liked watching me do she can now do by herself, or with just the bare minimum of help. I'm wondering if it is genetic because apparently Floyd was also a precocious puzzler. His mom wrote in his baby book. "He can do puzzles for 4 year olds at 2 years old". I teased her about that, but what do you know, so can Selena. :)

Of course books are still cool as well and I ended up getting Selena her own library
card so now we can check out a 100 books at a time though we still tend to stay around 50. Right now she really likes the early reader books. Which is kind of funny because the stories are pretty boring, but she seems enjoys them. Her favorites right now are Word Bird and Spot books. The Spot books have the peekaboo flaps which apparently are still enjoyable. Peekaboo books were the first books she really would pay attention to.

She has also started talking in the first person. For instance "I need a yellow bus story now!" Kind of demanding, but I guess that's a two year old thing. It is also very sweet because she will say "I love mama so much." She loves other people and things too, but my favorite is when she says she loves me.

The birthday girl making brownies.

The puzzler.

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