Saturday, January 26, 2013

New Skills!

Selena is already half way through kindergarten.  I love watching her learn and I love that she loves to learn.  From reading, to math, to drawing she enthusiastically embraces every subject.  Her new skills include:

- Reading!  I started writing this post a couple weeks ago, and just in two weeks she is reading so much more.  I am impatiently waiting, and hoping, for the day that my kids want to read, and we can all just sit around and read all day long. :)
- Counting to 100
- Counting by 10's
- Counting by 5's
- Telling time

For a while she has mentioned wanting to learn how to draw better.  I had got how-to-draw books from the library, but they were kind of frustrating for me because she needed me to show her every single line to draw.  She found it difficult to follow the instructions.  I found Mark Kistler's site and both her and Allie started doing some of the free videos and they were a hit.  The improvement in her drawing is really impressive.

She loves making books.  She is interested in self-publishing, but so far she hasn't had the discipline to create enough content for the 20 page minimum.   We checked out a book on how to make books, and most of the projects seem ambitious and a bit too difficult for a five or three year old to master by themselves, but we did discover the very clever X-book which both of them can make with little to no help.

She played some indoor soccer at the Y.  I liked it because it was games only, so it was easy on our schedule.  She is still doing gymnastics and is improving. :)

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